Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Gotta Try this Awesome Shoe

This shoe is Fantastic! I have been wearing this shoe since I got them last week. The very cool part is that they tone you while your wearing them, it doesn't get any better then that. 28% in your Glutes and 11% in Hamstrings and calves. This shoe is available only at Foot Solutions. Check them out online and you can purchase them directly from them.

Get great looking legs while you just do your everyday errands.

Have Fun!

Getting Started

Ok we've all said it over and over again, I'll start next week, and then to just fall into the trap of NEVER starting a fitness program. First of all it's never too late and your never too old and your never too broke. Your health and wellness should be one of the most important things in your life.

So get up ,get moving ,do something today and remember it's never too late.

Yours in Health
