Thursday, May 7, 2009

Don't forget MOM!

Yes us Mom's need time for ourselves and also to feel good about ourselves too. So what is the best gift to give Mom this Mother's day but the gift of health, nothing says more then giving someone that has cared for you no matter how long. So what are you waiting for she will thank you tremendously and be forever grateful.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Sunday is Easter and with Passover also doesn't mean that you have to blow it with those yummy little, or sometimes larger than life chocolate Bunnies.It also does not give you the right to attack your children's Easter baskets, even though jelly belly's are my favorite.

Stay active start with a brisk walk ,bring your family and enjoy your day you don't have to completely blow it stay focused and remember to have FUN along the way.

Happy Trails to All!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Years Not Resolutions

OK it's mid March and those that made their new years resolutions and have already stopped at whatever they wanted to pursue remember it's never too late to start again. Just because you may take a break or what we usually say fall of the saddle get right back on and keep on going and going.

We all have sidelines and little curves that occur in our lives but the good news is we can get back up and start again, because no one is going to judge you for believing in yourself and having the will and the strength to have a better lifestyle when it comes to your health.

So no matter what keep focused and stay healthy and fit!

Peace Out,


Economy and Your Health

Can you ever put a price tag on your Health? Lets hope not. With the changes that have occured with todays economy thats the last thing you want to do. Your health is the most important thing that you can never put a price on.

There are so many different ways to put your health in order. Take a walk it's cheap but will do wonders not only for your health but for your mind it not only clears it but keeps it crisp and sharp.

Take a swim it will work every muscle in your body and if you don't have a pool your self then go to a local recreation area and it usually will only cost you a couple of dollars. It's a great way to keep in shape and feel good again.

Here are just a few ideas that will keep you going at a very affordable price. You just might have Fun at the same time.

To your health,


Friday, March 13, 2009


I know I know, I too cringe at the word but you will never know how it feels to take it to the next level or win that prize or yes you guessed it that last ten pounds you have been saying that you would like to lose. Maybe it's just drinking more water, taking that walk on a daily basis. Saying something nice to everyone you meet.

Go ahead whats stopping you other than you , and you might just be surprised how simple this is and the results are amazing. You not only will feel good about accomplishing this goal but your self esteem and all of the positive after affects will blow you away.

So get out of your comfort zone and take that next step to a healthier and more active lifestyle that you truly deserve and have Fun doing it.



Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fit, Fifty, and Vegas?

More like Fit Fifty and Fabulous or feeling like it. As I turn another year older and yes the big 50 I realize that your health, family and friends are the most important things. I also realize that your as old as you feel and believe me there are days that I feel pretty old but the one thing that keeps me going is my Big Fat Attitude!I love reaching out to people and hearing their stories because once you understand that it's not about you and it's about helping others and seeing their success then you have made it.

Vegas was FUN I truly reccomend it especially for the walkers and believe me there was plenty of that and sights. It's like I always say you can have fun while exercising no matter what you do. Stay active and Fit at any age!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy V Day!

With Valentines day around the corner I know it's difficult to resist the temptation but remember it's only one day and if you fall down then get right back up and keep persevering, you can do it!

So be Happy and give someone else some of your chocolate you'll get a laugh and less guilt.